#neve fawn
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kekeartzworld · 2 days ago
🩶 Bonabelle’s Orphanage 🐰
I don’t usually introduce characters in batches but I’m willing to make an exception for this group
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Bonabelle and the four misfit children that were taken into the orphanage
Before getting adopted by their current parents, my adopted fankids were also here at this orphanage
Lineup without text:
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Now let’s go over them individually
In order of the lineup from left to right
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Lucille Morningstar is a young canid demon who was taken in quite recently
Her parents were killed by exorcist when she was 4 years old and good ol Bon found her alone on the street
She felt bad for Lucille and took her to the orphanage in hopes that she can find a good home for her someday
No one’s taken her in yet but Lucille remains hopeful that she’ll find her forever home soon enough
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Zuri Chen is a teenaged unicorn who’s stayed here for a few years now
She has no recollection of what her parents were like but she does remember losing them in a forest fire when she was 8
That’s when she first met Bonabelle after the flames were put out and she was brought into the orphanage afterwards
”Zuri’s hair color looks a lot like Knives”
I’m fully aware of this and I was very self aware of it when I working on her design as well
It can always be changed later down the line if people don’t like it
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Neve Fawn is a very insecure deer taken in just a year prior to Lucille’s arrival
Their memory of their past is very blurry but they do vaguely recall witnessing their parents getting killed by hunters
Bon felt horrible when she found out about this and she quickly took Neve into the orphanage
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Jolena Starr is the oldest of all the kids at the orphanage who’s also been there the longest
Her mother died due to birth complications when she was born and her father was a deadbeat who simply neglected her and left her with nothing
Seeing that this was a dire situation, Bonabelle took Jolena into the orphanage when she was 3 years old and she’s stayed there since
Jolena knows that she’ll be discharged when she turns 18 but she’s been speaking with Bon and the kind old rabbit’s been considering giving Jol a job at the orphanage so she can stay with the others since she’s grown very attached to the other kids over the years
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And how can I ever forget to mention the good bun bot herself
Built in the late 70s and left to rot in a landfill, Bonabelle Cottontail is a sentient cybernetic rabbit who’s the founder, owner, and caretaker at the orphanage
She takes in neglected children or kids who had tragically lost their parents and helps them find a new life in a better, more nurturing home with people who will take good care of them
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dual-wielding-rogues · 4 months ago
Oh god I haven't even recruited everyone yet and I'm falling for Bellara already
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biowaredisasterbisexual · 2 months ago
I’m sorry. I can’t. I try not to get involved in fandom foolishness too much. But egad, the vile treatment of Neve because she romances Lucanis if (AND ONLY IF) Rook romances neither of them is…horrific.
How, BisexualDisaster, you may ask?
1) A lot of critiquing that Neve is uncaring, unempathic, not supportive.
2) At least one claim (getting a lot of agreements in the notes) that Lucanis only gets together with Neve because it’s “easy.” She doesn’t “fix” him so he can just go on being I guess broken somehow?
3) A lot of references to her being too sexual.
4) Insinuations that she’s the type of woman you hook up with, but not the type you marry.
5) Insistence that because she is cynical, she isn’t overtly emotive in the way they would expect, she is unfeeling.
I just…..it’s awful. Why is it so awful? Well, let’s break that down point by point.
1) This is completely contradicted by canon. She goes out of her way for just about every companion to help them, even ones she isn’t super close to. She provides a sounding board and emotional support for Taash and Bellara explicitly in their quest lines. People are disregarding everything she actually says and does in the game to cast her in a role that seems entirely based on sexist and racist stereotypes.
2) There’s no basis for this either. Moreover, this is a truly troubling way to view mental health and healing. Lucanis is not a broken toy or a fixer-upper home. He doesn’t need someone to “fix” him. Nor is he too traumatized to make his own romantic choices. This argument infantilizes him, diminishes his own agency in his healing, and is sexist to boot. It’s ableist, misogynistic, and shitty.
3) This is such a common racist belief about WOC that I hardly know where to start. We are all hypersexual, and if we aren’t we are frigid and prudish and angry. I can’t even. What’s wrong with you all?
4) I’m inclined to agree that Neve isn’t a homemaker, but good grief, how tradwife can you get? I’M not a homemaker. My husband did the bulk of domestic labor in our relationship before he became disabled. Not every relationship needs to look like Leave It To Beaver, and insisting it does is wildly sexist. Oh, and this is also relying on the stereotypes of WOC all being sex-seeking ladies about town to boot.
5) This harkens to two stereotypes. The first is sexist: that women are expected to be outwardly emotive and fawning. That’s neither accurate nor fair. The second is racist: this is a subtle version of the Angry Black Woman stereotype. That WOC aren’t sweet and nurturing and only demonstrate Negative emotions.
This is ridiculous. It’s awful. It’s racist, sexist, and ableist all at once. In an effort to, what, make it so that if you don’t romance Lucanis with your Rook he can’t be with anyone else? It’s not a competition between Rook and Neve or Lucanis if your Rook is romancing them, because your LI CHOOSES ROOK. No one is stealing anyone from your Rook. It’s only if you romance neither that they get together, and the weird possessive idea that if you don’t have Lucanis no one should is deeply troubling.
Is your favorite movie Swimfan? Is it because it made you feel seen?
Get it together, people.
A WOC married to a sweet white man who knows how to cook
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dalishious · 4 months ago
So every time I see Bellara and Neve interact I think they're incredibly cute together, the fawning over Neve from Bellara, the reading serials together the way they always seem to be hanging out in the Lighthouse. Hoping they're a possibility to hook up if neither of them are romanced but I'm planning to romance Neve so I won't find out til my second if not third play through since Bellara is a top candidate to romance on the second go through. Anyway thoughts I guess do you see it?
Yeah I ship them tbh I think they'd be a great couple! Their personalities really align well, they share interests, they certainly like each other a lot and hang out with each other a lot at the Lighthouse... and Neve calls Bellara "Bell" which is super cute.
Someone sent me an ask spoiling that Neve and Lucanis are a potential couple and I'll be real with you, I see Neve and Bellara as way more compatible. Maybe it's just coincidental that I haven't personally seen much between Neve and Lucanis that speaks to me as couple-y? Maybe there is fun flirtation and it's just going over my head? Maybe I'm just biased towards F/F? Whatever, that's how I currently feel.
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amaryllis-sagitta · 4 months ago
The writing the writing I need to rant about the writing
The issue with companion quests and rendezvous is that they're, to a great extent, conversational, with some very basic mechanical filler to give player the illusion that they're doing something. So the brunt of character development falls to conversations we have with them. This wouldn't be the problem if conversations themselves weren't sooo all over the place.
I wrote before that the beginning suffers from severe first draft syndrome and most conversations could have been singular lines. Early exchanges between Neve & Harding are just fluff, and taking note of their differences could have been a single line. It... gets a little better in Act 2, but it's still padded with generic conversation fillers and painfully repetitive about the only points that matter. I swear I've had so many conversations where the same expository sentence was said to me twice or thrice about 2 paragraphs apart.
It's like they want to say something, they are able to pepper in some genuinely touching moments, but then the dialogue wheel minces it all into the blandest mix of responses you've ever seen, or it unnecessarily polarizes issues that already have buildup into simplistic choices. Examples: we encourage Taash to embrace a syncretic, multicultural identity and BAM! A CHOICE APPEARS LATER that further polarizes it in a way that's totally uncalled for. We build Harding up to overcome her fawning tendencies, to embrace her anger and to let herself feel justified in it so she can handle the bond with the Stone, or we can make her feel weird and unaccepted with her new abilities - and BAM! CHOICE because what would we do without reminding survivors that compassion and forgiveness are the socially expectable ways to go? I fear Emmrich is going to feel the same, after lichdom is built up as the pinnacle of his expertise and his greatest dream, only thwarted by the terrifying risk of him permadying in the ritual (because the risk of corruption of character, like it happened to Johanna, is quickly dismissed as something OOC for Emmrich). Choices that pop up in the middle of otherwise fairly linear arcs feel manufactured.
I thought I would begrudge UI explaining to me what my choices mean, but I started to need it at times, becuse the dialogue options by themselves fail to inform me what I'm about to do half the time. I'm in romance with Neve but the only input Rook has ever given in the Flirty options was "We have problems... but we are not alone..." I have genuinely no idea what the dynamic between characters is there. According to the Character tag line, Neve has "fallen unexpectedly".
Maybe it's because Rook feels completely disjointed from whatever is happening to them. The Zara/ Illario twist almost makes them stupid on purpose because the plot can't advance yet. My Shadow Rook had nothing to add when Zara almost uttered "amatus" once before Illario choked her, no, that exposition had to happen on Emmrich's dissection table.
I also don't understand this game's urge to summarize everything for the player after the proper conversation -- not just in the UI, not in the mission quest summaries, but also in the final cutscenes in Lighthouse after most our rendezvous. These are always the most awkward, low effort reiteration of the conversation that was held minutes ago. I feel like this was supposed to be the space to form some logical conclusions, but all they do is revert whatever poignant points have been made before to very superficial takes on the problem.
I also roll my eyes on the later Lighthouse "quests" where Rook is the HR department for companions' petty grievances that can be solved by minor communication adjustments. Only the Davrin/ Lucanis conflict feels like it has any meat because it involves ambitions tied to the main quest. Taash calling the old man Skullfucker is funny but it boils down to both parties needing to be better listeners. And why would Harding and Emmrich plan a trip to Ferelden that is being consumed and ravaged by the Blight to end all Blights in real time??? Did no-one proofread this???
My point is, I wouldn't be mad if companions were generally agreeable. I love hanging out with the girlies and nonbinaries because they get along so well. The banter heard throughout the map traversal is so, so, SO much better in this regard. It's structured like relational mini-arcs that feel really satisfying to witness. The Lighthouse mini-conflicts feel manufactured in comparison.
It's like the moments that matter occasionally poke their heads above a nondescript sea of grey goo and get dragged right back down by the ugly, eldritch tentacles of filler and redundancy.
It really, really, REALLY does not defeat the allegations that some points game wanted to make through that writing were explicitly prompted as a guideline... while everything else was left to a complex form of algorithm... that combines random generation... with imitation of holistically preserved states... of complex statistical operations... done on pre-collected source material...
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whumpbby · 1 year ago
Idk if there's a right way to say this but Jiang Cheng's biggest crime in and out canon is being not that pleasant to be around and i rlly wish people would acknowledge that instead of trying to paint him as The Worst in order to justify their weirdly intense hatred towards him
I'm going to ramble,sorry, that how I put thoughts in order:)
I think that's the perfect way to say it actually. And 100% fact imho. His biggest flaw is that he has no patience with other people's shit and no filter on how little patience he has. He lets people know he's unhappy with them. All his care and dedication is in his actions.
The way he cares about Wei Wuxian and then Jin Ling - even his scolding is an expression of care, always concerned about the way their behaviour can bring harm to them or to their sects. The way he sacrificed his life for Wei Wuxian without a moment's doubt and neve mentioned it. The way he was fighting a war and rebuilding the sect at the same time. The way his sect became absolutely notfuckwithable. The way he kept throwing himself in the way of danger for his loved ones in the Temple.
This is not some villain who only cares about himself - the way he's being painted by the antis.
There was this post somewhere saying that the biggest flaw in a fictional character is being boring - they can be a war criminal, as long as they're not boring.
I think for some people who are looking for pure escapism and feel-good simplicity (and nothing wrong with that, everyone does that) the "boring" gets replaced with "ugly". The depiction of trauma survivors that didn't "go through all that and ended up kinder". That didn't get over the tragedy in their lives to an appropriate standard. That are functional, but not happy. That bring back the bad stuff that happened because it still influences their lives and behaviours and reactions.
They want all the tragic trauma of the past, but without long-lasting consequences that aren't leading directly to cock-healing or fawning.
Like, if you think about it, no one went through the war in that book and came out "better". Absolutely no one. Lan Zhan drowned himself in guilt and directed all his anger towards Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian didn't stop running for even a moment and he became an intensely careless, emotionally dishonest person. Lan Xichen settled into not really doing much, coasting on his sects' position and JGY's help. Nie Mingjue became a bona-fide warlord who basically said "fuck these people, hunt them for sport for all I care". Meng Yao learned that you can stab your problems away. Everyone around them became incredibly trigger-happy for a long while.
And yet JC is the only one singled out as the Evil Walking The Land, because his trauma response isn't pretty and stoic and is specifically, understandably, targeting the Innocent Cinnamon Roll Protagonist and isn't fixed by the end of the book. He could have saved the world, but as long as he's not polite while he's at it then fuck him.
This is, like, primary school level morality were facing here xD
I cannot tell you how surprised I was when entering the world of The Untamed - prepared by Tumblr to see jC as this demon of a man and instead found this guy who, by all accounts, is in the right 99% of the time. Then I read the book and was staggered by the final reveal. And the absolute bullshit I was fed by people that wanted to sour me on the character before I could make my own mind.
Not even gonna get into how these people treat Wen Ning - whose whole existence is a horrific chain of horrific events ending in his absolutely awful existence of an actual slave... But he's such a cute puppy, eh?
Tldr: people who keep making excuses for hating JC do it to somehow justify the fact they can only accept Trauma Light in their fiction.
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corporatecoinings · 3 months ago
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(Snowy) forest + wolf (or canine) themed ID pack
Crafted by Alaska's paws 🐺🐾 Header mask | /fleaseditstuff Divider | Made by Alaska (me) (I prefer it that only I use the divider.)
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Alaska ✦ Alder ✦ Alpha ✦ Alpine ✦ Arctic ✦ Ash ✦ Aspen ✦ Aura ✦ Aurora ✦ Avalanche ✦ Birch ✦ Blizzard ✦ Boreal/Borealis ✦ Boris ✦ Brutus ✦ Canine ✦ Cedar ✦ Cinder ✦ Colorado ✦ Comet ✦ Crecent ✦ Crystal ✦ Dakota ✦ Dawn ✦ Diamond ✦ Douglas ✦ Dusk/Dusky ✦ Ebony ✦ Eclipse ✦ Elm ✦ Everest ✦ Evergreen ✦ Fang ✦ Fawn ✦ Fenrir ✦ Fern ✦ Forest/Forrest ✦ Frost ✦ Frostine ✦ Glacier ✦ Gray ✦ Grove/Grover ✦ Howl ✦ Icecap ✦ Icicle ✦ Ivory/Ivy ✦ January ✦ Juniper ✦ Lixue ✦ Lumi ✦ Luna ✦ Maine ✦ Mist/Misty ✦ Miyuki ✦ Montana ✦ Moon ✦ Neve ✦ North ✦ Permafrost ✦ Pine ✦ Polar ✦ Polaris ✦ Redwood ✦ River ✦ Rocky ✦ Sable ✦ Siberia ✦ Silas ✦ Silver ✦ Sirius ✦ Smoke/Smokey ✦ Snowcap ✦ Snowfall ✦ Snowflake ✦ Snowstorm ✦ Spirit ✦ Spruce ✦ Storm ✦ Summit ✦ Sylvester ✦ Taiga ✦ Tempest ✦ Timber ✦ Tundra ✦ Twilight ✦ Valor ✦ Vega ✦ Vixen ✦ Wilder ✦ Winter ✦ Yukina ✦ Zeus
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arctic/arctics ✦ arf/arfs ✦ bark/barks ✦ birch/birchs ✦ bite/bites ✦ bloom/blooms ✦ branch/branchs ✦ breeze/breezes ✦ breezy/breezys ✦ canine/canines ✦ chew/chews ✦ chill/chills ✦ chilly/chillys ✦ claw/claws ✦ cold/colds ✦ creek/creeks ✦ dark/darks ✦ fang/fangs ✦ fauna/faunas ✦ fern/ferns ✦ fir/firs ✦ flora/floras ✦ fluff/fluffs ✦ fluffy/fluffys ✦ forest/forests ✦ fur/furs ✦ growl/growls ✦ grr/grrs ✦ holly/hollys ✦ howl/howls ✦ leaf/leafs ✦ luna/lunas ✦ lunar/lunars ✦ moon/moons ✦ night/nights ✦ nocturn/nocturns ✦ nocturnal/nocturnals ✦ nox/noxs ✦ paw/paws ✦ pine/pines ✦ river/rivers ✦ ruff/ruffs ✦ sap/saps ✦ sapling/saplings ✦ shadow/shadows ✦ snow/snows ✦ snowflake/snowflakes ✦ spruce/spruces ✦ thorn/thorns ✦ timber/timbers ✦ tree/trees ✦ tundra/tundras ✦ wind/winds ✦ winter/winters ✦ wolf/wolfs ✦ wood/woods ✦ 🐺/🐺s ✦ 🐾/🐾s ✦ 🌲/🌲s ✦ 🌳/🌳s ✦ 🌿/🌿s ✦ 🍁/🍁s ✦ 🍂/🍂s ✦ 🍃/🍃s ✦ 🍄/🍄s ✦ 🪨/🪨s ✦ 🪵/🪵s ✦ 🌑/🌑s ✦ 🌒/🌒s ✦ 🌓/🌓s ✦ 🌔/🌔s ✦ 🌕/🌕s ✦ 🌖/🌖s ✦ 🌗/🌗s ✦ 🌘/🌘s ✦ 🌙/🌙s ✦ ⭐/⭐s ✦ ☁️/☁️s ✦ 🌨️/🌨️s ✦ ❄️/❄️s
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Alonesnowaesic ✦ Auroralupincryin ✦ Fogforestic ✦ Forestgender ✦ Forestwolfgender ✦ Forestwolfsprintic ✦ Howlgender ✦ Neigean ✦ Nightforfulmoonic ✦ Northwolfic ✦ Noxlibic ✦ Redwoodgender ✦ Sillywolfic ✦ Snowfallgender ✦ Snowmoonlic ✦ Snowynightgender ✦ Starforestaesic ✦ Tundrawolfgender ✦ Wolfbitic ✦ Wolfforestic ✦ Wolfgender ✦ Wolfmoonbodiement ✦ Wolfmoonic ✦ Wolforigender ✦ Wolfpawic ✦ Wolfplushigender ✦ Wolfstarmoonic ✦ Wolfthing
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Feel free to use this ID pack however you want. For hoarding labels, for figuring out your identity, for system members, so on and so forth.
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[Nemesis protects this blog! we are pro-endo, anti-radqueer, anti-transid, and anti-proship, but our labels are for everybody; unless we specify a specific reason as to why what we have coined is exclusive in the post. please dont come here with ill intention, we are not afraid to block!]
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miynt0012 · 1 year ago
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[SIM DOWNLOAD] Martine Jorgensen
maxis match | full closet | full cc list
had fun making her :P
I know it's a huge cc list I am sorry :'')
enjoy :0
please don’t share my sims / pictures of my sims on the gallery or on any other platform
cc list:
lamatisse - bare skintones
NSW winter berry set (blueberry skin B, full body) | obscurus - maxis match genetics set (nostrils nosemask) | NSW - make-up and presets set (eyes n26) | yooniesim - imperfection teeth set | twistedcat - fawn skin overlay | obscurus - eyebrows n15, 16, 17 (n16) | divinecap - gaia skinblend | okruee - misc face details (skin detail, occult) | simandy - spotlight 
johnnysimmer - santino hair | the kunstwollen - gently tied hair set 
QICC - soft scarf season collection (neve sweater) | kouukie - corrin pants | hezza - grace wrap top | clumsyalien - fate cc pack (camila pants) | oydis - touch of fancy (camille top) |   saurus - dope fitness collection (solid color leggings) | jellymoo - sk8r hoodie | dansimsfantasy - short floer  | trillyke - strawberry boho skirt | trillyke - rainy day sweater (acc top) | daisypixels - tay sweater | AxA 2019 (veronica top) | astya96 - old money collection pt2 (coat 02) | gorillax3 - minimalist turtleneck · slaks · basic coin necklace (slaks) | clumsyalien - vellichor cc pack (vivianne pants) | subtlestubble - wide leg trousers 
cosimetic - eyeline n291 v1 | littlecakes - highlighter | pralinesims - eyeliner n42 | goppolsme - eyeliner cc43 | pralinesims - khol liner | NSW - female new year collection (highlitghter n3)  
eunosims - nail set | giuliettasims - lotus ear jackets | pralinesims - UNION glasses | alexaarr - squaretacular earrings | aretha - nightcall collection (michelle necklace) | clumsyalien - miracle cc pack (rae scarf both versions) | pralinesims - claire earrings | christopher067 - treasure earrings | s-club - LL bracelet | pralinesims - morina hoop trio | s-club - WM bracelet | magicbot - classic tights set | miiko - 3d lashes pt4      
jius - obsidian collection (platform sandals 11) | MJ95 - madlen amalfi | seoulsoul - girlboss boots set (short boots) | simtone - oxford heels | jius - sneakers collection 04 (low top sneakers 07)  
kijiko - ea eyelashes remover | NSW - female new year collection (lips presets n33-41, lips presents n1-9) | obscurus - eyes presets 4-11 (n8) |  jiumiQAQ - jaw presets | hellfrozeover - hip dips slider | obscurus - female nose presets n4  
+ cc I couldn’t find online, included in the sim’s folder (5 files)
additionally, the following add-ons have been used:
outdoor retreat
a preview of her outfits:
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please take a look at my TOU before downloading!! thank you!
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invinciblerodent · 2 months ago
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btw since I'm Verbenaposting, nice as your LI's smile is at the end as it is, and how I like how it kind of echoes the way they gaze up at the Inquisitor and their advisors after the final fight of that game (which, really nice, here they're beside you and in no way below, driving home the way Rook in the story is part of the group while the Inquisitor is always above in some way), I kinda wanna rewrite it for myself the same way I did then, and hc that the immediate aftermath of the final fight is far less dignified.
Like you can't give me sweet, passionate men like Davrin and Dorian, and just have them SMILE at their beloved after they return from what, to everyone reasonable, looks like absolute mortal peril.
It's not just a nice, fond smile, but a fucking bone-squeezing, leg-swinging, drunk on victory kind of hug that's still dripping all sorts of grime and blood, but nobody really cares because (to live with Davrin's turn of phrase) bleeding thorns, you're here, we won, you're alive, you're here, you're mine, I love you.
... So I think that following the endgame, Ver holds it together just until they manage to descend from the Thing (the one that I keep wanting to call the brainstem even though it's not), and Davrin was left down there to help defend the people so he's there to catch her as she basically leaps into his arms and crumples- just like he's always been there to catch her, to lend his strength, and wherever you are, that's where I am, god bless
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in my mind, the bottom of that thing being just. a big heap. a cuddlepile.
Ver first crumples into Davrin's arms from like a foot up that thing still. then Taash and Bellara, who came up with her, silently embrace the both of them (Bel on shaky fawn-legs and looking like she's unsure of whether she's about to burst out laughing or into tears; Taash with their head dropped and stock still save for the tremble in their hands- processing still but about five minutes from a "WHOOOO!!!! YEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"), all three (now four) covered in Elgar'nan's weirdly sticky, tarlike blood that smells like death and clings like a shadow (but it no longer sings with Blight, so Davrin honestly doesn't give half a shit).
Assan is circling their legs like they're slalom poles, overjoyed that his other favorite person is back again. There's all the couples embracing (with most of Neve's weight probably being supported by Lucanis tbqh, poor woman must be so terminally exhausted), but honestly, few people really care whose hand they're shaking or whose arms are circling around their waist, because they fucking won and survived, and there's the fucking Sun, and the overwhelming joy ripples out from the epicenter of it all until the soldiers and citizens in Minrathous are all crying and laughing and embracing one another.
(Dorian is off to the side fussing over his amatus for climbing down a fucking Blight-wall with essentially one hand because for some reason he didn't think that he shouldn't wear his everyday, carved wood prosthetic hand this morning instead of one that moves in any way, and honestly, what is he to do with this man, Maker he's going to be the death of him, they'll have to find another Archon, and then he'll be sorry.)
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cielxxphantomhive · 3 months ago
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NAMES ;; Julia , Astrid , Mila , Fawn , Faye , Irene , Kitty , Clementime , Dottie , Neve , Aspen , Cypress , Wren , Whit , Miyuki , Vivian , Viola , Zane , Lumi , Yukio , Eira PRNS ;; horn / horns , fae / faer , fil / fils , kiss / kisses , shine / shines , ice / ices , snow / snows , dar / darlings , ador / adore , sae / saer , tail / tails , pure / pures , flu / fluffs TITLES ;;
[ X ] bathed in snow , [ X ] with horns , [ X ] who loves , Cutesy [ X ] , Sleeping adepti , Darling [ X ] , [ X ] who aids those , [ X ] covered in frills
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years ago
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Starter call for my ACOTAR OC’s (including semi-oc) and Crossover muses
See list below cut! Please specify who you’d like (no specify no starter)
Orion - son of Feyre / Rhys
Calista - daughter of Gwyn / Azriel
Asta - daughter of Amren / Varian
Koa - adopted son of Mor / Emerie
Jarek - Illyrian
Nisha Sable - daughter of Thanatos
Amberle - adopted daughter of Miryam / Drakon
Eirwan - son of Viviane / Kallias (Heir of Winter)
Neve - daughter of Viviane / Kallias
Eira - niece of Viviane
Rhea Berdara - Gwyn’s mother / daughter of Lucien/Jesminda
Bloom - daughter of Eris
Roux - Autumn Guard
Oriane Vanserra - daughter of LOA / Beron
Fawn Brandt - sister of LOA
Loch Pridewood - nephew of Alis
Charlie Lahey - daughter of Tamlin
Sky - Spring Guard
Riven - Spring Guard
Nate Dunbar - step-son of Helion’s advisor
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btsqualityy · 4 years ago
Assuage: Chapter 11
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
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“I knew that you wanted to knot my sister!” Taehyung exclaimed, making everyone at the table and everyone in the dining hall look in his direction.
“Taehyung!” You, Yoongi, and Namjoon all chastised him. 
“I mean, he’s not wrong,” Jin shrugged.
“At least someone has my back around here,” Taehyung smiled triumphantly. 
“You don’t have to shout it to every one within listening distance though,” you chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t have a problem with that actually,” Yoongi spoke up and you looked over at him. “Everyone will know that you’re taken now.”
“Your gift will show them that,” you smiled at him. 
“Ahh, this is so cute!” Hyorin squealed. 
“Well, while you all sit here and fawn, why don’t we go get lunch since the pups and elders are done?” Hobi suggested, making Yoongi and Namjoon both nod. Yoongi leaned over and quickly kissed your cheek before standing up and walking away with the other two Alphas. 
“Ok, what the hell happened?” Jimin demanded to know as he, Hyorin, Jin, and Taehyung all leaned towards you.
“He invited me out to the stream a few days ago because he told me that he had something to tell me,” you began. “Once I got there, he gave me the sweetest speech about how he’s learned how to be a better Alpha since joining the pack and how he’s been so much happier and he said that that was because of me.”
“Really?” Hyorin sighed dreamily and you nodded.
“He then said that I make him want to be better and he offered me this,” you said, reaching up and picking up the pendant up from where it was hanging against your skin.
“Is that your?” Jin gasped.
“Our family crest,” Taehyung supplied for him.
“He made that for you?” Jimin asked.
“Yep, he cut the wood and carved it himself,” you told them proudly.
“I knew that he was looking at me weird last week!” Taehyung exclaimed. “He must’ve been drawing my tattoo.”
“He was,” you confirmed with a giggle.
“That was so thoughtful of him,” Hyorin cooed.
“I knew that you liked the lone wolf!” Jimin added with an excited laugh. 
“Well, I didn’t want to push him,” you shrugged. “And you guys know why,” you added and they all nodded in understanding.
“But now that he’s made his move, when can I start planning your mating ceremony?” Jin wondered, making your eyes widen. 
“Slow the fuck down, we’re not there yet,” you scoffed. “We’ve only been together for a few days.”
“Hey, Joon and I mated after officially dating for only a month,” Hyorin pointed out.
“But the two of you flirted for six years before that,” Jin snorted. 
“Y/N-ah and hyung have been flirting for months now though, so it’s the same thing,” Taehyung said.
“Ok, no it isn’t,” you laughed. “And we can stop all this talk about mating ceremonies unless it’s Tae’s and Jungkook’s.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait for spring to get here!” Taehyung squealed as he clapped his hands together. “We can start planning then so that we can have the ceremony after Kook’s birthday.”
“Don’t worry Taehyungie, we’ll help you,” Jimin assured him, making you, Hyorin and Jin all nod in agreement. Just then, the Alphas came back to the table, their hands brimming with plates for both themselves and the Omegas. 
“Here you go Tae,” Yoongi said as he leaned down and placed a plate down in front of Taehyung before taking his seat next to you. 
“Thank you hyung,” Taehyung smiled and Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders before placing your plate down in front of you.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him. 
“You’re welcome,” he murmured back, giving you a quick smirk before beginning to eat his food. Lunch went on as normal, conversation flowing easily as you all talked about different thing going on around the pack.
“Kook!” Taehyung grinned widely and when you looked up, you saw Jungkook walking up to the table. 
“Hey baby,” he muttered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of Taehyung’s head. 
“You look exhausted,” Jin snorted and Jungkook sighed heavily as he sat down next to Taehyung. 
“I am exhausted. I had early morning patrol,” Jungkook told them. 
“Early morning patrol?” Yoongi repeated. “What’s that?”
“Tensions between packs aren’t getting any better,” Namjoon admitted and everyone at the table turned to look at him. “I just want to be on the safe side so I’ve been having some people do early morning and late night patrol duty, just to make sure there aren’t any lurkers on the territory.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Hyorin asked and Namjoon just shrugged lamely.
“It’s just a safety precaution,” Hobi spoke up, sticking up for Namjoon. “We just want to make sure that no one tries us when we’re at our most vulnerable, which is when we’re asleep.”
“Oh, well I wouldn’t mind helping,” Yoongi offered and Namjoon smiled at him.
“That would be great Yoongi,” he said.
“We can set up a time later hyung,” Hobi added. “There are enough Alphas and Omegas on patrol that you should only have to do it once every other week.”
“Ok, just let me know,” Yoongi nodded. 
“Anyway, to change the subject,” Taehyung interjected. “Kook and I are gonna host a game night at our place tonight and you’re all invited.”
“Speaking of that, can we reschedule?” Jungkook wondered as he set his elbows on top of the table, resting his chin in his hands. 
“No!” Taehyung gasped. “We’re finally all moved into our new cabin and I want everyone to come over.”
“I’m exhausted though,” Jungkook whined. 
“Please?” Taehyung pouted and Jungkook looked towards everyone else for help.
“Uh, Jiminie and I are actually busy tonight Taehyungie,” Hobi told him.
“Since when?” Taehyung wondered as he narrowed his eyes at them. 
“Since right now,” Jimin shot back with a grin. 
“Hyo and I have a meeting with the elders tonight anyways,” Namjoon chimed in, and Hyorin quickly nodded her head agreement. 
“Do we lie too?” Yoongi quietly asked you.
“We definitely lie,” you confirmed. “Game nights with Tae tend to get a little...out of control.”
“How do you mean?” Yoongi wondered.
“Let’s just say that the last time we had a game night, Tae and Hobi didn’t speak to each other for three weeks,” you said, making Yoongi wince at the thought because he knew that Taehyung never stopped talking in general so that argument must’ve been pretty bad. 
“And what about you two?” Taehyung called, making you and Yoongi look over at him. “What lie do you two have for me?”
“Y/N-ah and I had a dinner planned for just the two of us tonight,” Yoongi replied and when Taehyung turned to look at you, you just smiled.
“Mmm. And what about you, Jin hyung?” Taehyung questioned and everyone looked at him. 
“I just don’t wanna come because you turn into a fucking demon on game nights,” Jin smirked.
“I do not!” Taehyung shouted and you just rolled your eyes as you leaned against Yoongi, smiling when he set his hand on your thigh as the two of you listened to Jin and Taehyung bicker with each other.
“You know, I thought the whole dinner thing was a lie,” you giggled as you let Yoongi feed you some of the beef tips that he had cooked for you. The two of you were back in his cabin in the living room, sat on the couch with your legs thrown over his lap. 
“It was intended to be a surprise but Taehyung ruined it,” Yoongi huffed, making you smile. “Do you like them though?” He questioned, referring to the beef tips.
“I think the basically empty bowl gives you an answer,” you pointed out. “But yes, I do. They’re really tender and flavorful.”
“I’m glad you do,” he murmured as he fed you again. “It makes my Alpha feel good to see you eating well.”
“It makes my Omega feel good that you’re taking such good care of me,” you echoed. “Who would’ve thought that big, bad, Prime Alpha Min Yoongi would be such a softie?”
“Yeah, well don’t tell anyone or else we’ll have to fight,” he threatened you.
“We all know I’d win that fight,” you snorted.
“Tell me something,” Yoongi requested. “What did Taehyung mean when he said him and Jungkook’s new cabin? Were they not already living together?”
“Well, they basically were because Tae literally stays in Jungkook’s cabin like 6 nights out of the week,” you giggled. “But officially, no. Jungkook wanted to build a new cabin that was the both of theirs and that was somewhere that they could start the rest of their lives together.”
“So moving in together before you actually mate isn’t frowned upon then?”
“No, but it’s not exactly encouraged either,” you explained. “If for whatever reason a relationship doesn’t work out before they have a chance to mate, you don’t wanna have to worry about who gets to keep the cabin and who has to move out and all that stuff.”
“So, it’s just logistics really?” Yoongi summed up.
“Basically,” you nodded in agreement. “No one has really said anything to Tae or Kook about it though because they know that if Tae wasn’t distracted by them moving in together and having to make their house into a home, then there would be nothing stopping him from making Kook give him a bite. And we all know how weak Kook is for him.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Yoongi laughed. “So, what about you then?”
“What about me?” You wondered with a shrug.
“How do you feel about mating and bites and all that?” He questioned. 
“Well, I guess I’d consider myself to be pretty traditional,” you told him. “I’d like a mating ceremony, but I would want to exchange bites with that person before the actual ceremony.”
“When it’s just the two of you?”
“Yeah, I think it’s more personal that way,” you smiled. 
“And moving in?”
“I could take it or leave it,” you said. “I wouldn’t be opposed to moving in with someone before we mated, but I’d need to know that the relationship is definitely moving towards mating in order to be completely comfortable with it.”
“Ok, nice to know,” Yoongi murmured.
“And what about you?” You asked. “How do you feel about it?”
“Honestly, I’ve never given much thought to it,” he admitted. “All I’ve known is that I just wanted an Omega that I could love and care for.”
“Typical Alpha,” you teased. “Never caring about the little details.”
“Well, I guess I’m pretty traditional too in the sense that if I’m with an Omega, then I would trust them to make decisions that benefit both themselves and me, which is exactly what I would do.”
“Would you only trust them to make decisions in regards to things like mating ceremonies and how your future home would be decorated?” You asked, and Yoongi knew that you were asking him if he only trusted you to make decisions on things that were traditionally an “Omegas’ domain”.
“I used to think that, but not anymore,” Yoongi replied honestly. “As an Alpha and especially being Prime, having to make important decisions alone can be stressful and tiring, so it would be nice if I could have someone to shoulder that burden with.”
“Good answer,” you smirked, and Yoongi chuckled as he reached into the bowl one more time and offered you the last forkful. You opened your mouth, letting him gently put the fork into your mouth before closing your lips around it. You then slowly pulled away from him, maintaining eye contact as the fork slid out of your mouth.
“You’re gonna get in trouble Y/N-ah,” Yoongi warned you.
“Trouble isn’t always bad,” you smirked as you watched him lean forward and set the empty bowl on the coffee table before sitting back against the couch and looking at you. 
“I guess it isn’t,” he agreed. “Come here.” You leaned over, pressing your lips against his as you set your hands on his cheeks. The two of you wasted no time, his tongue working its’ way into your mouth as you moved so close to him that you were halfway on his lap, moving your hands away from his face and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Wait, we should slow down,” he mumbled against your lips and you shook your head as you sat up, maneuvering yourself so that you were actually straddling his lap.
“Why?” You whispered, setting your hands on either side of his neck as you looked down at him. “Do you not want to?”
“Fuck, I want to,” he exhaled harshly and you couldn’t help but to giggle at how insistent he was on reassuring you. “But I just don’t want to push you.”
“You’re not,” you swore. “Honesty hour?”
“Go ahead.”
“I’ve wanted you ever since the night of the full moon party, when you got me that plate of food and made sure that I ate well,” you admitted. “So trust me, this is definitely something that I’ve given thought to.”
“Oh yeah? How often?” Yoongi wondered with a smirk, making you automatically roll your eyes. 
“Don’t make me change my mind,” you joked, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away again. “You know I will.”
“That I do,” he chuckled as he set his hands on your hips. “So, you said you want to but I need you to be specific. What do you want me to do to you baby?” Hearing him call you baby made your lower half clench in response so you leaned down again, brushing your lips against his as you answered his question.
“Want you to give me your knot, Alpha.” You didn’t even have time to pull your face away in order to catch his reaction because the next thing you knew, he was standing up abruptly and quickly stalking out of the living room, carrying you in his arms. 
“Yoongi, be careful!” You squealed as you wrapped your legs tight around his waist and tightened your arms around his neck. “You drop me, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Oh, I’m gonna drop you on something alright,” he muttered and you reached down with one hand to smack him on the back. He continued to carry you down the hallway and into what you assumed to be his bedroom, stepping inside and using his foot to kick the door shut behind him. 
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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fadageladinha · 10 months ago
"Cada um é de um jeito. Eu só posso interagir com outros reinos durante o inverno e eu adoro fazer isso colocando neve em tudo. Eles podem se sentir assim. Pergunte a Fawn, ela adora se comunicar com eles."
"uma interação de 5 segundos entregando um pedaço de papel? tem jeitos melhores de fazer isso, não? você preferiria estar nessa reunião ou entregando jornais de madrugada? muito provavelmente sem remuneração!"
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prince--thomas · 3 years ago
Blood Hunt ~~ [Self para]
One shot 900 words — the first creature Tom killed.
Takes place: early November, 2006
[tw: animal death, hunting, gore, cruelty, toxic masculinity] 
It had always been a dreary fact of Tom’s life that elk hunting season began only weeks after his birthday. He had spent the last two birthdays, shivering and cold, awake before the sun had come up, tracking elk through the woods around the loch outside of Edinburgh. It wasn’t by choice. But, after the first time he’d  complained and his father had laid into him about how he was being lazy and weak, Tom had never said another word against it. He didn’t say any words, at all, really. Most of the men celebrating his birthday were much older than him.
His father would take him out with Uncle Fergus, Uncle Lachlan, and a plethora of distant cousins and uncles, all of which were older than him. 
The last two years, they hadn’t even found any elk, except for a doe with her young fawn. A prey that even the men of the Order respected. Tom was grateful for this fact. Even if it meant all they did for several days was sit in cold trees with nothing to do or behind fallen logs with nothing to do, or trekked silently through the woods. It wasn’t that Tom hated the woods. He actually liked the woods quite a bit. He loved the tall trees and the quiet and the bunnies that ran underfoot and the birds that woke him every morning with their song. As long as there were no elk, Tom could almost enjoy himself. Despite the cold and the damp and the fact he was likely to get a cold. 
Only problem was: there was an elk. 
They had been stalking it through the snow since yesterday. Tom had woken early to see if he could find its tracks, so that he could brush them away, but he was only twelve and didn’t know how to find elk tracks. His father had grabbed him gently by the scruff of the neck when they did find them and guided him to them, showing him the broken branches and the hoof print in the snow. 
“Memorize it, eh, Tommy boy? Next year, you’ll have to find it on your own.” 
Tom had nodded wordlessly and then trekked after his father, feeling the trepidation with every step through the snow. 
The first glimpse of the beast that Tom got was in a glen. Here, the snow had partially melted in the sun and browning pieces of grass poked through. His coat was the deep brown of freshly tilled earth, matted with dirt and shaggy, he could see it tremble and twitch as it shook off flies and snorted into the hot air. It’s ears looked as soft as Champion’s, his father’s prized stallion, though he was massive in comparison. Even from a distance, Tom could tell that he was several hands higher and the spread of his antlers were like arms reaching up to the sky. There was no sound, except for the shuffle of the hunters surrounding the creature from the tree line, fanning out. 
Tom’s heart rate increased as he watched them disappear through the brush and he started to feel sick to his stomach. The elk was completely unaware. It was doing nothing wrong. 
He knelt on the damp earth next to his father. “We are down wind,” Tom senior explained to his son as he grabbed a leaf and let it flutter in the breeze. From over his shoulder, he plucked an arrow from his quiver and strung it onto the bow before holding it out to Tom. 
Tom looked at it with wide eyes, reaching out to grasp it with a sweaty hand. He knew how to shoot a bow and arrow, of course. Back at home, his father had set up targets for him to practice and he had. He wasn’t very good at it, if he was honest. In the last six months, he’d not hit a bullseye once. 
“You have to hit it straight on,” his father explained, his voice a murmur. “Do you remember the diagram I showed you?”
How could Tom forget? His father had made him study all the parts of a deer where they were weak. Where one powerful shot from an arrow would kill them, anything less and you would have to shoot it again. And again. He swallowed and nodded his head. 
“Keep both eyes open when you aim.” 
Tom had never hit a bullseye before. He was never more grateful for that fact. 
Tom aimed at the ground and released his shot. 
The arrow sliced through the air silently, arcing before it landed several feet from the elk, sticking straight into the earth. The elk lifted it’s great head and took off, startled. A folly of arrows rained down from every angle of the glen. The creature was surrounded. Tom watched in dismay, realizing his own shot had meant nothing at all. The elk was always going to die. 
Several arrows were lodged in the elk’s flank, buckling its legs and sending it to the ground, where it crushed another arrow that had embedded itself in its shoulder. It gave a mournful bellow that startled the morning doves from their roosts. Tom felt it vibrate in his bones.
“Let’s go,” his father said, his voice tight with eagerness. He grabbed Tom’s shoulders and dragged him from the underbrush, seemingly unaware that Tom felt as if his legs wouldn’t work. He stumbled towards the place where the elk had fallen, following the trail of bright red blood with his eyes.
Tom was not unfamiliar with blood and death. Growing up on a farm meant that you saw plenty of it. And it had never bothered him before. These things were part of life. Creatures died or they were eaten. This was the natural order of things. Then why did Tom feel as if they were attending a funeral. 
They stopped in front of the elk, the other hunters already in a semi-circle around it. 
“Holy--look at that beauty.”
“He has to be at least 300 points, if not more.” 
“Nah, how you reckon?”
“He’s got an eight point, look at that.” Fergus pointed at an extra tine on the elk’s antlers. 
Tom was only half listening to any of this. He was looking at the elk, which was still alive. Upclose, Tom could see that there was blood on its muzzle, dripping from its nose. He could see the whites of its eyes and he was again reminded of Champion who hated storms and always looked the same way. A memory rose from a horrible storm one night, where his father had stayed in the stables with the horses to make sure none of them hurt themselves in their fear.
“Tommy should get the kill,” his father said now and Tom looked up at him, panicked.
“And how’s that fair, Tom?” someone said with their arms crossed. “This bull is a trophy. It’s going on my wall. It’s not some gift for your kid.” 
“He took the first shot,” his father argued.
The elk rumbled, letting out a deep bleat, his hoof kicking in the snow. 
Tom was the only one who noticed this. He looked down at his boots where the blood was slowly creeping towards him, cutting a hot river through the snow. 
“And missed!” cackled one of the cousins.
Tom crunched through the snow, a hand on his belt. He maneuvered around the great antlers, sharp and powerful. The elk’s ears twitched as it heard him and it tried to lift its head, but it couldn’t. Tom reached out and touched those warm, soft ears. Then stroked the great beast’s cheek, moving his hand down to find the curve of the bone and the soft skin of his throat beneath.
“I should get it, that’s my arrow in his shoulder. I know because I fletch them with peacock feathers.” 
“You’re a peacock,” said someone else.
“We should flip for it,” Fergus said placidly. 
“Oi, what are you doing boy?” 
Tom ignored them all and ducked his head to scrub the tears from his eyes on his shoulder. Then, he took a deep breath and plunged his brand new, never been used, hunting knife into the elk’s neck. Right in the spot his father had taught him. It was harder than he thought it would be and he had to lean into it, sliding the blade through the flesh until he felt it give way and his hand brushed coarse fur. Warm liquid bubbled up from the wound, splashing against his skin. 
The elk gave a shudder and he felt its body still, then relax beneath his touch. 
Tom sat back, letting go of the knife and watching as blood dripped from his hand into the snow.
“Well, that settles it then,” his uncle Fergus said with a booming laugh. 
The sound rang in Tom’s ears. 
“Happy birthday, Tommy.” 
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Okay, so imagine this
Kaer Morhen is a place that little boys go to die, if they’re lucky, or they become witchers. 
(In some ways, Strangers Like Me is what fucking ran thru my head literally all night last night. I wrote nothing, I could not sleep, and my brain SPIRALED all over this)
And somehow, despite the world beating him down and beating him down and beating him down and shelling him out over and over, he runs into an idiot bard who has no fear of him. Who slowly goes from thinking he’s a simpleton to realizing there is a man in there, a boiling seething lake of feelings and anger overtopped by a thick layer of ice. And the bard makes it his life’s mission to help him learn that he is human. (the whole fic idea is more Geraskier, but it has to START the development elsewhere)
he also bumps sorceress who teaches him love and anger and all sorts of other things -fancy table manners, philosophy etc. He has access to things with her he’d never have had in the keep. She teaches him how to eat chicken on the bone with a fork and knife (book canon), and all the other fancy utensils because he’s a person dammit and he should know that his napkin goes in his lap. He devours her books, and since she can read minds she can draw out the conversations from him. She teaches him how to have those conversations and those debates. 
TWs for all the canon compliant fucking misery that is Geralt’s life. Child abuse, neglect, assault, etc. 
Geralt is incapable of believing good about himself, or expressing himself normally or knowing what to do in social situations. He mimics, he copies, he attempts to replicate, but if the situation changes he isn’t sure what to do. 
Trauma gives us 4 options. Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. He knows how to fight, but sometimes it leads him to battles he’ll never win. Flight is usually safest. Freeze can also work well, but he doesn’t know how to fawn, no one’s praised him enough or taught him how to give praise or fake affection in turn. Usually, he chooses to freeze until he can assess better. If there’s no blades drawn, it is time to freeze. 
( I am looking at this purely from a child abuse perspective) 
He has no idea what to make of Yennefer. She is rage, and greed, and feelings, and luxury. She teaches him to fight back. She teaches him you can be angry and people will not always leave you. Some children/adults will do anything to please someone in hopes of affection until they feel safe, and they begin to test boundaries. And with Yennefer, he’s allowed. Neither one of them knows how to process emotions in a healthy way, not really. But if she wants to throw a jam jar at the wall -not at him, never at him. She doesn’t want to hurt him. She’s just angry and has to break something. Better the jar than herself. Or him. He learns to stomp and yell right back, to knock things off the dresser or desk. Maybe it’s not a good lesson, but it’s something. 
She teaches him choice in bed. He’s never had choice in bed, he’s never made love. He has had sex. Voluntary, involuntary. Me for her, let the girl go, use me instead. He heals. He always heals. He can kill them if he wants to, but that raises more problems than it solves. Kaer Morhen has no women. He learns very little about making love there, either, feelings are forbidden. However, he learns to keep himself silent and still as his cock is stroked, he learns to not let the bed so much as creak the slightest bit, not the softest change in his breathing. He learns how to use precum as lubricant because there is nothing else, and while he doesn’t learn how to kiss, or fuck, he learns how to touch. There’s no kind of education like that. It’s control, management of pain, seeking approval from people who rarely give it. 
Yennefer gives him approval. She gives him choice, and she teaches him to move his hips. She teaches him it’s alright to breathe through it, to beg for it, to twitch, it’s okay to want something for himself. He can’t reconcile it, can’t adapt well to it. But in bed, with her, he allows himself to be freer. It doesn’t translate for him, into other situations. His learning is contextual. He has trouble applying the lessons she tries to teach him to other social situations. He can fight back with her because she likes him. He can argue with her about books because she starts the conversation for him because he doesn’t know how. He is heinously smart, he can read, write, and speak at least three languages, he can synthesize information so quickly it stuns her. If he’d been chosen as a mage, if he could access the Source, he would set the world on fire. 
She teaches him to say ‘no.’ It’s not something he knew he could do. Not outside of negotiating a contract. Most of his world is lived inside of his own head because he isn’t allowed to offer opinions unless someone asks. Other than contracts. There is a script, there are rules, he can say ‘I won’t kill that’ or ‘that’s not enough coin’ or ‘no.’ Those situations he can talk freely and articulately. 
They experiment in bed, to a point. She can tell when he’s getting cagey and stops. She never makes him say ‘no’, never lets it get that far, because she knows he’ll freeze. When he’s vaguely curious about light bondage she simply tells him to see if he can even stand to put his palms on the headboard and not touch her. He can’t. He can’t stand it if she won’t touch him, either, when she offers to return the favor and see if he likes that edge of control. He doesn’t. She’s had other lovers, but none like him. None as broken and angry as she is. (The book says, it flat out says, they did not know HOW to be kind, but they wanted to be, and so they were, when it describes how they make love.) They try other things, some things he more tolerates than enjoys -the unicorn. But he doesn’t hate it, he just doesn’t prefer it. 
He can’t admit to feelings, he can’t admit to loving her, and so she can’t tell him because he isn’t ready to hear it. He can’t believe any of it, and so she can’t say a word. Telling him would chase him out of her life forever. When he tries to share things with her, when he tries to push himself to describe any part of himself, she listens. She uses many of his failings against him when they fight, but never what he tells her in confidence and struggle and broken words. When he tells her ‘they botched it’ meaning they botched him, he’s worthless, not made right, and horrible, she tells him perhaps she is the same. 
Eventually the fighting is too much, the frustration at themselves is too much. They can’t heal each other. What they need doesn’t line up yet. 
They break apart and he travels again, happy to reunite with Jaskier. Not that he understands that feeling. But something feels ...easier, with the bard around. He tries on occasion to engage in conversations, just sharing a random fact or quote with the bard and Jaskier doesn’t realize what Geralt is doing for weeks until Geralt stops and he finally asks him what his quote of the day is. Geralt visibly perks and Jaskier finally understands what Geralt has been trying to tell him. He finally asks the right question and Geralt talks to him for hours, long after the sun sets, as animated as his training allows him to be, describing how he’s connected this human myth to an elvish historical event that is corroborated by the dwarves, he had to read it in Elvish, and also Dwarfish, but he can’t find a written version of the myth he’s only heard it spoken or sung. 
Jaskier takes him to Oxenfurt and leads him in and out of guest lectures. They sit in the back so Geralt can hide, because that’s what he does. Don’t look people in the eye unless they tell you to. Don’t look up, don’t be big, don’t exist if you can help it. And he hides and scrunches in on himself, but he listens, and the bard lets him pore over libraries and scares off anyone who would complain at a mutant witcher touching precious tomes. Geralt is gentle, and careful, and sweet, and he deserves to read what he wants, he deserves answers to questions about the world he could never find in Kaer Morhen where his only training was how to survive as a witcher. 
Jaskier teaches him how to answer the question asked, not just say what he thinks people want to hear. That’s not what I asked you. I asked what your preference was. He learns that Geralt was very much raised to believe children should be seen and not heard, in terms of himself. He doesn’t speak up, doesn’t offer anything unless asked. Not unless it’s about witchering, then he is allowed. And so he makes sure to ask. Are you hungry? Would you like to stop for the night, too? Does that hurt, it looks like it hurts. And Geralt learns to listen to the words, and he learns if asked, he is allowed to speak for himself. He doesn’t have to do what he thinks Jaskier wants. Unless prompted, around people, he rarely speaks, rarely converses, and just tries not to be terrifying. Keeps his head down, hood up, he doesn’t want to be hurt. He’s sick of being hurt. He’s sick of going hungry, he is sick of being miserable. And he has found if he is invisible, people leave him alone. He doesn’t get stoned, he doesn’t get beaten, he doesn’t get chased out for just wanting a bed to sleep in and a warm meal. If he doesn’t take up space, he can exist. Jaskier speaks for him, people think perhaps he’s a simpleton who the bard travels with, they don’t know the quick mind behind the eyes focused firmly on the ground. 
It constantly breaks Jaskier’s heart. He has never seen Geralt smile. He has never heard him laugh. He has heard him talk with intonation on occasion, and usually only when reciting what he’s been told. He is an incredible mimic for tone and pitch and it astounds the bard. When he asks Were you even listening to me at all?  and Geralt begins reciting everything he had said, with perfect inflection, since Geralt’s last one word response, perfect tone, perfect everything other than he doesn’t change his voice, his gravelly voice will never soar into tenor heights. 
Children, ones who don’t know what he is, love him. Parents who don’t know, don’t see the swords strapped to Roach, they don’t mind the bard’s pet simpleton playing pat-a-cake with their children, they don’t mind them teaching him to make flower crowns. Or watching them draw in the dirt. The children never think he’s stupid, they like him all the more for knowing they aren’t, either. He lets them pet his horse, and boosts them into the saddle. He helps them reach fruit on tree branches, and pulls down prickly berry vines full of blackberries so they can gorge on the sweet fruit. Jaskier loves watching him with children, because he’s less guarded. He starts out small, makes himself so small, so nonthreatening, and when the children realize he’s happy to play with them, he relaxes. The tension leaves him and the villagers ignore him. Any adult stupid enough to want to play with children, to humor them, and listen to their stories can’t be right in the head. The bard’s assurances he won’t touch them or hurt them goes a long way. 
He used to freeze and flinch and shudder whenever Jaskier touched him, because he could not understand. He still doesn’t. Emotions make no sense, touching for affection that isn’t between lovers makes no sense. Jaskier stays with him, so they must be friends. He’d admit it openly if asked. He doesn’t understand he loves the other man. He wouldn’t know that’s what he was feeling even if he was told. He feels nothing, it’s a scooped out shell, there is nothing inside of him other than sometimes anger. That’s why he had to leave Yennefer. She was the sun and he just reflected her warmth, he had nothing of his own to give back. 
Patently untrue, but there’s nothing that would convince him otherwise and Jaskier doesn’t try. Geralt is ridiculously capable and educated, and wonderful and the bard does what he can to praise him when he can because he knows Geralt needs to hear it. No one praised him or loved him as a child. Hugs are still foreign and after years of them his first instinct is still to flinch. He will sleep comfortably draped across the bard, or with the bard curled into him. He doesn’t care about that. He doesn’t have the same personal boundaries other people do. If he’s cold, and Jaskier is there, he sees no reason not to share heat. 
It had given the bard heart failure when they’d been sitting around the fire after eating and Geralt had just started pleasuring himself without understanding why that might not be socially acceptable. He’d offered to help the bard first. Not wanting to give Geralt another reason to be ashamed, or small, or scared, he had declined, and wondered in what world could a boy grow up afraid of being held, but feel perfectly comfortable jerking himself off in the company of others. What had been even odder was the witcher had continued their conversation as though this was normal. Hadn’t lost focus, his breathing had never changed, he hadn’t seemed to take much pleasure from his actions, and Jaskier couldn’t understand why he was doing it. 
It had made his heart hurt in new ways. It’s a perfunctory action, meant to relieve an itch, not something for pleasure’s sake alone. Everything he does has function and reason and logic. 
When they run into people Jaskier knows, and they want to talk to the white wolf, or see him, or bother him, Jaskier tells them to leave him be. He won’t talk to them. His poor witcher gains a bit of a reputation as being a tame monster, trailing his bard on a leash and killing monsters as directed. 
When they’re low on grain for the horses, he goes to busk and see if he can drum up coin. When he comes back to pay the stablemaster, the last thing he expects is for Geralt to be paying with his body, a blank expression on his face as he braces himself against the door of an empty stall. He looks at Jaskier without any kind of shame, any understanding of what’s happening to him because he needs feed for Roach, and she needs a warm place to sleep out of the muck during the rainy seasons. Her hooves need to be dried out, he needs to borrow tools to clean the frogs and check her shoes. He might need the services of a ferrier. He’ll get a bit of coin for this and then some extra. If it isn’t sex with a lover, it’s just a transaction, what should he care? The bard escapes when he realizes only Geralt saw, and pukes his guts up into the gutters. He’d have tried to stop it, but the stablemaster was bigger than he was and he couldn’t take the risk the man would hurt Geralt. 
The horses taken care of, Jaskier uses the coin he’d earned to have a bath drawn up and helps Geralt bathe until all trace of stable is washed away. He tries to ask, and when Geralt openly tells him it’s just better that way, he bites his tongue so hard it bleeds rather than reply or push the issue. He has coin, they’re fine, Geralt won’t need to do that again while they’re together. 
He notices how the witcher gets thinner after, stress and shame eating his insides even if he won’t admit it. He’d been the heaviest Jaskier had ever seen him after living with Yennefer for a few years. Healthy. Shiny hair, bright eyes, enough meat over his bones to hide them. Slowly his spine creeps through his skin and the bard can count the vertebrae. It will pass, and he realizes he’s seen this pattern. This has happened before he just hadn’t seen. It passes, Geralt finds lucrative contracts, and his body fills back out. 
They continue to work on what feelings are. Geralt remains baffled by the fact the bard will not bed him in any capacity, and doesn’t understand why they can’t share a little pleasure. Jaskier knows if he gives in, Geralt will never let it progress beyond more than just skin on skin. He’ll never understand it could be more. He has to wait, he has to keep pushing for the witcher to understand there is more. 
They happen upon a town, and a small girl, perhaps three or four years old, picks flowers by the side of the road. There’s a house visible in the distance, but it’s awfully far for a small child to have wandered. Geralt immediately looks around for a dead body, half expecting to find the child’s mother dead in a ditch. Nothing. When she notices his hair peeking out from under his cloak as he crouches down to talk to her, she pushes the fabric off his head to twirl her fingers into his hair. He barely breathes as he asks her where her ma and pa are. She points at the house and said she wanted the orange flowers. He looks over and sees that while there are what seems like thousands of wildflowers much closer, none are the color she’s currently collecting. The child will be missed soon enough, he supposes as he offers her a seat on his shoulder. Before she accepts, she splays small fingers under his eye and he freezes, waiting for her to scream or reject him. She simply says ‘pretty.’ When he lifts her up, she tangles a hand back into his hair to help her hold on and keep her balance. She stuffs the flowers into her small apron -probably made more to humor her than for any practical purpose, and occasionally pats Geralt’s head and tells him again, his hair is pretty and he’s nice to take her home. 
When screaming reaches his ears, he knows the little girl’s name is Ivana, and he tells Jaskier, “Make noise, her mother is in the fields looking for her.” The bard’s trained lungs will project far better than his will. His lungs are trained to breathe evenly and slowly in all things. He will endure if he keeps his heart slow and his breathing calm. 
“Over here! We’ve found her!” Jaskier calls, his voice ringing stridently over the fields. He’s not sure how she could hear him from so far that only Geralt can hear her frantic calls, but all the same he sees how Geralt tilts his head and nods to himself. 
They speed up, Geralt’s stride long and even as the woman comes pelting across the grass, crushing flowers, and her skirts hiked up over her knees to keep them out of her way. She gasps slightly when she sees Geralt and the brightly dressed bard, not sure what they will do to her or her daughter. She can see the swords on the roan mare. “I haven’t coin, please don’t hurt her,” she says. 
Jaskier feels Geralt shrivel. “We just saw her picking flowers and knew she’d be missing,” he explains. “We don’t want coin. Not for returning a toddler to her mother,” he protests. When she reaches out for her child, and Geralt obliges by leaning to hand her off, the girl shrieks in displeasure. 
Geralt freezes, one arm half coming up to ward the mother off, but unsure. Why wouldn’t she want to go back? It’s Jaskier who saves the situation by laughing. “I see she’s gotten quite attached,” he tells the anxious mother. “Here, Ivana, come down, he’s very tired and he’s not a pony. You brought flowers for your ma, didn’t you? You can’t show her very well from up there,” and holds out his arms. The girl allows Geralt to pass her over, and he swiftly deposits her on the ground where her mother relaxes immediately. She shows the flowers, and offers Geralt one. 
“Are you a witcher?” she asks. 
“Yes,” Geralt says, careful not to open his mouth too much. His teeth are a bit too white, and his canines a bit too sharp. Not fangs, but some people choose to see them that way. They’d grown in sharper when he’d lost his baby teeth, he’d seen plenty of other humans with teeth like his, but against his pale skin and yellow eyes, the effect was more noticeable. More monstrous. 
“There’s a wyvern, my man, when he gets back from ploughing, he can show you. I see Ivana has taken to you. If you’ll watch her while I bundle herbs, I’ll feed you both lunch.” She isn’t afraid of witchers. “We don’t have much coin, but there’s a bounty on the beast, you can turn it in, if you travel up the road a bit. In the mean time, I can offer you a place to sleep, some feed for your horse, and a meal in a few hours once I’ve finished my tasks.” 
Jaskier knows Geralt is well pleased with the idea just from the shift of his shoulders. “Geralt’s a wonderful babysitter,” he smiles. “I can help you with the chores, I’m sure. Just put me to work. My name is Jaskier, that is Geralt, and you are?” 
“Oh gods above, I’m so sorry, I’m Melina.” She reaches out to shake Jaskier’s hand and the bard accepts warmly, but when she tries to do the same for Geralt the bard gives her a look and she drops her hand. Odd. “Ivana, you mind Master Geralt, or I’ll give you such a hiding you won’t sit for weeks, do you hear me?” 
“Yes, Mama,” she promises. “I will show him where to put the horse,” she says proudly and Geralt makes a ‘lead the way’ gesture at her with a little bow that makes her giggle. He takes Roach’s reins from Jaskier and follows the girl child to the barn. 
“He won’t hurt her?” 
“No, he’d die in her defense in a heartbeat.” 
“But he can’t shake hands?” 
“He wouldn’t know that’s what you wanted,” Jaskier tells her. Not sure if that makes it worse or puts her more at ease. “You don’t seem much afraid of him, considering how we started.” 
“Witchers help people,” she smiles faintly. “My pa would have died long before he met my ma if not for a witcher who saved him on the road. Took a bad rake across his face, though, the witcher. My Pa taught us, even if we don’t know much reading or writing, history turns. People used to trust witchers. Then they tried to kill them all. And they’ll trust them again. Any man willing to risk dying to save others can’t be all bad.” 
“That is what I’ve been saying.” He glances up to see the black-clad witcher come back into view with Ivana swinging his hand happily. He can’t hear her, but he knows she is chattering nonstop. 
“Is he... simple?” she asks softly, watching as her daughter teaches Geralt a new clapping game he hasn’t seen before. He seems to be devoting all his energy to the game. 
“No,” Jaskier breathes. “No, he’s brilliant,” his heart aches. “Will they be alright out here, your man won’t come home and try and beat him with a stick?” 
“No, Roddy would never. He’ll come from the back fields as is. My Roderick is a good man. How could he hit your Geralt for playing with our daughter?” 
“People have done worse for far less,” Jaskier says bitterly. He has no idea why he’s sharing with her. Perhaps months on the road of people being truly horrible to Geralt have made him desperate to talk to someone who isn’t. Someone who is kind. 
“I see.” She shows Jaskier the herbs she’s drying, some to sell, some for home remedies. Vegetables to jar and pickle, and hundreds of other small tasks made near impossible by having a small child to mind. “My boys help their father in the fields, so that he can work on other tasks once they can manage the rest.” As the bard gets the knack for how to tie the herbs, she watches him a few seconds. “So what’s wrong with him?” 
“Nothing,” Jaskier protests. “Nothing at all,” he aches for Geralt. “People, people are the ones who are wrong. He does everything he can to not draw attention. The less he talks, the less he moves, the less people notice and the less likely they are to-” His head snaps up when he hears a husky chuckle from outside. “Your man early?” 
“No, he doesn’t laugh like that,” she says. 
“Who the fuck is that then?” he demands, peering from the small window. Ivana is pointing at something dramatically and stamping a foot and he realizes the laugh is Geralt. His heart squeezes and he blinks rapidly. He hadn’t known Geralt could laugh. Not in all the years they’d been travelling together. “Oh,” he gasps, the wind knocked out of him. 
“Let them be, if she starts to have a true tantrum I’ll rescue him. It’s about time for her to nap, she’ll be fussy soon enough.” 
“Eh, he’ll be fine,” Jaskier tells her, rubbing at his eyes with a knuckle. “He’s faced worse than a grumpy toddler before.” 
“Perhaps, Master Jaskier. But he cannot swing his sword to stop her from inconveniencing him.” 
“He would never. Although, he might turn tail and run in here, seeking rescue,” he tries to turn the conversation somewhere else. 
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peppermintstranger · 5 years ago
Hi pepper! Love your blog! I am in need of fc for some of the disney fairies from pixie hollow, so could you please help me? Someone for Silvermist, Fawn (my hc for her is latin-american), Iridessa, Periwinkle/Gliss (they look a lot alike), Fury and Nyx? I know I'm asking for a lot so if you could do just some of them it would be perfect. Thank you in advance.
You have:
· Silvermist: Lana Condor, Adeline Rudolph, Katie Chang, Dianne Doan, Natasha Liu Bordizzo.
· Fawn: Victoria Moroles, Ana de Armas, Daniela Lopez Osorio, Daniela Nieves, Luna Blaise.
· Iridessa: Yara Shahidi, Amandla Stenberg, Alisha Boe, Samantha Logan, Ella Balinska.
· Periwinkle/Gliss: Neve Caffrey, Olesya Ivanishcheva, Jits Bootsma, Natalie Ludwig, Josefine Frida Pettersen.
· Fury: Zendaya, Sasha Lane, Grace Saif, Aleyse Shannon, Jaz Sinclair, Jessica Sula.
· Nyx: Alia Bhatt, Naomi Scott, Lulu Antariksa, Aparna Brielle, Geraldine Viswanathan, Anya Chalotra.
Hope it helps c:    
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